Quantum Shift
Four realms, three scientists, one way to make it back home!
Quantum Shift is a top-down, 2D, inter-dimensional adventure that plays on the fantasy of stumbling upon a parallel universe. Bailey, Naomi and Tobias delve into four unknown realms to fix the inter-dimensional transporter that broke on arrival. Can they escape the abandoned lab? Or will they be stuck there for eternity?
Travel through the four distinct realms to find the missing pieces of the trans-dimensional portal to find out...
My Involvement
Quantum Shift was created for a second-year game development assessment. I created this game with 3 other individuals and I focused on the core design of the game, including the mechanics, level design, and UI design. I also created all of the artwork and animations that are seen within the game. We had 6 months to create Quantum Shift and used the scrum methodology during our development cycle. Each realm was assigned to one of the members of the team, and each realm has a distinct level of design, boss, and environmental mechanic. “I was assigned to the Emerald Realm and decided to have poisonous gas as the main environmental hazard. The Emerald Realm was designed to be a linear, meandering level to play.
Development Screenshots

Level Design

Initial Sketch: I find it a lot easier to get my ideas down quickly on paper. I sketch up my level designs before digitalising them. This is also when I will decide what milestones will go in the level, and where the enemies will be placed. These are the hand-drawn level designs for the Ruby realm within Quantum Shift.

Digitalising/Greyboxing: After I was happy with the hand-drawn levels, I digitalised them using Adobe Photoshop. I used simple colour blocking techniques in this stage and made sure the size of each level fitted the screen size that we were using in the application build. (640 x 480 in this case).

Polishing and Implementing: This final stage included polishing the level designs with textures, shading and lighting and implementing the final design with the rest of the game. Placing the assets on top of the finalised levels was done within this final stage, and ongoing testing was an important task until the game was completed.
2D Animation