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The Nomad Initiative

In the not too distant future, over fracking has lead to a near-total destruction of the Earth's atmosphere. The exposed deadly gas has rendered the majority of the Earth uninhabitable. Those that weren't lucky enough to make it on to one of the Nomad Initiative's ships were driven mad by the gas. It seems that luck wasn't on the side of Madison, Fardin, Zonta and Serrana either. Their ship failed to make it out of the Earth's orbit and crashed back down on the surface. Now they have 30 days to find a way to survive before the gas infects them too. 

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My Involvement

The Nomad Initiative was a game made under Octopus 8 Studios. We formed Team Aubit to create a post-apocalyptic resource management game, in which my role was level designer/animator. All of the art in the game is my own except for the level backgrounds (the base, scrapyard, street, hospital, the lab, and the mall), the level assets and the map. During the 3 month development period, I was involved with visualising the initial idea, designed all 6 levels within Microsoft Visio, created over 500 frames of animation for the 4 playable characters and the zombie NPCs, and created all of the UI icons within the game. It was a challenging experience but definitely worth it in the end.

Development Screenshots


Level Design

Click on the image to learn more about each level design

Anchor 2
Anchor 1

2D Animation

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