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Tanked is a slapstick, hide and seek party game that turns your friends against each other in a desperate race against time. In this 4-6 multiplayer adventure, one of your friends is randomly chosen to be the seeker and must lay traps, tamper with the environment, and track down hiders before they can complete their quests and escape.

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Play on

We have released a playable version of Tanked on!


 Please be aware that you will need 4 players to play the game, and one person will have to host a room via the server. Other players can find the room by viewing the room list or searching for the specific room. Please ensure that hiders chose different classes, as this will give the game a more rounded experience, and choosing the same class might cause bugs. Follow the instructions on for login details and more game requirements.


If you require more assistance, please view the walkthrough PDF linked below.

My Involvement

I am currently working as the lead designer within our team. My tasks have been creating and finalising level designs, quests, buffs, numerical design and minor assets. I also create greyboxed levels within unity, and I constantly go over the numerical design to make sure that all of our mechanics are balanced and fair for a multiplayer experience. We are hoping to enter Transfuser as a team to develop this game further.

Development Screenshots


Level Design

Click on the image to learn more about each level design

In Tanked, there are four distinct levels: The Helm, Axo's Mansion, Space Lunacy, and RustyBubble Amusement. Each map has hider zones. These zones change accordingly depending on the number of players in the game. Each of the maps will be procedurally generated to accommodate the size of the party. Environment and spawn points for each map change depending on the number of players. Click on the images above to find out more.

Greyboxing in Unity

All of the levels for tanked are first drawn up in photoshop and then greyboxed in Unity using standard 3D shapes such as cubes, spheres and cylinders. Above is a timelapse of me greyboxing Axo's Mansion, with the hand-drawn reference shown on the right-hand side of the screen.

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Numerical Design

Tanked has 3 utils that are used within every part of the numeric design: EXP, Cockles, and Sand Dollars. EXP is used for player levelling, which in turn unlocks maps, game modes, emotes, animations and costumes. Cockles are the standard currency in the game, designed around common seashells that link to the narrative. Sand Dollars are the premium currency, which can be bought or unlocked when levelling.


Sand dollars are worth 800x the cockle value, and if a player levels up from player level 0 to player level 10, they will be given 60 Sand dollars without spending any money on the game. Also, every item that can be bought within the game’s store can be bought with either Cockles or Sand Dollars, and these items are cosmetic, so it does not affect how well the player can play the game (not pay to win).

Click here to download the Excel sheet.

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2D Animation

After the bulk of the design was over, I jumped onto some other aspects of the game, such as title screens, backgrounds, and some UI. Here are some examples of the animated screens I made for Tanked. These worked great within the final product and really emphasised the polish we had put into the game.

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